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Birth Chart Reading


(6 customer reviews)

A birth chart reading is a personalized astrological analysis that delves into the positions of celestial bodies at the exact time and place of your birth. This intricate map, also known as a natal or horoscope chart, serves as a cosmic snapshot, revealing unique insights into one’s personality, strengths, and challenges. Ultimately, a birth chart reading offers a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s cosmic blueprint, guiding self-discovery and providing a roadmap for personal growth.



Full Spread


(6 customer reviews)

A full spread tarot reading unfolds like a mystical narrative, employing a series of cards to explore various aspects of life. Each card represents a unique facet, offering insights into past influences, present circumstances, and potential future developments. A Tarot Reading paints a vivid picture, intertwining symbolism and intuition. Major Arcana cards convey overarching major themes that might unfold, while Minor Arcana cards delve into day-to-day matters. The synergy between cards highlights hidden truths and guides seekers on their spiritual journey, fostering self-reflection and clarity through this ancient art of divination.



Vedic Astrology


(6 customer reviews)

Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient Indian system of astrology with roots deeply embedded in the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts. It goes beyond Western astrology by incorporating lunar mansions or Nakshatras and the concept of lunar nodes called Rahu and Ketu. Vedic astrology emphasizes precision in calculating planetary positions and their influence on an individual’s life. It provides a detailed birth chart analysis, known as a Kundli, outlining the karmic patterns and cosmic energies shaping one’s destiny. 



3 Questions


(6 customer reviews)

A concise yet powerful divination method that distills insights into past, present, and future influences. Each card in the spread serves a distinct purpose, offering a snapshot of the situation at hand.  This compact arrangement facilitates focused contemplation, making it an ideal choice for quick guidance and clarity. The symbolism and intuition woven into these three cards provides a holistic perspective, allowing seekers to navigate uncertainties and gain deeper self-awareness through the wisdom of the tarot.



1:1 Consult


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Practiced for centuries across cultures, herbalism involves the use of herbs, flowers, and roots to address various ailments. Herbalists leverage the therapeutic compounds found in nature, often creating tinctures, teas, or salves. Healing through herbs goes beyond symptom relief, aiming to restore balance and harmony within the body. With a focus on preventative care and sustainable practices, herbalism continues to thrive as an ancient tradition, promoting a connection between humans and nature.


The Universe Math



(6 customer reviews)

Numerology is a belief system that ascribes mystical significance to numbers and their influence on human life.

In Jewish Kaballah numbers carry inherent vibrations and energies that can impact various aspects of an individual’s existence. Each number corresponds to specific traits, characteristics, or cosmic forces, and by analyzing one’s birth date or name, practitioners can uncover hidden insights into their personality, destiny, and life path.

With the numbers, individuals can make informed decisions, navigate life’s challenges, and harness positive energies for personal growth. While numerology has a rich history and continues to captivate individuals seeking self-discovery or spiritual insights.



Spiritual Coaching


(6 customer reviews)

3 Month Spiritual growth coaching is a dynamic and transformative process that focuses on guiding individuals towards a deeper understanding of their inner selves, purpose, and connection to the broader universe. Rooted in spiritual principles, this form of coaching often combines elements of psychology, mindfulness, and personal development to help individuals navigate their spiritual journeys. Coaches in this field work collaboratively with clients, providing support, encouragement, and tools to foster self-awareness, mindfulness, and a sense of purpose. The goal is to facilitate a profound transformation that transcends surface-level changes, leading to a more aligned and fulfilling life in tune with one’s spiritual values and aspirations.


Astrology or Tarot

Spiritual Guidance


(6 customer reviews)

Focuses on guiding individuals towards a deeper understanding of their inner selves, purpose, and connection to the broader universe



Love Guidance


(6 customer reviews)

Love guidance offers individuals valuable insights and advice to navigate the complexities of relationships. Whether addressing romantic partnerships, family dynamics, or self-love, love guidance helps foster understanding, communication, and emotional connection. By tapping into this support, individuals can enhance their relationships, cultivate empathy, and create lasting bonds based on mutual respect and affection.


Astrology or Tarot

Career Guidance


(6 customer reviews)

Career guidance provides strategic insights and advice to help individuals navigate their professional paths. From identifying strengths and aspirations to making informed decisions about education and job choices, career guidance offers a roadmap for achieving professional fulfillment. With personalized support and practical tools, individuals can align their skills and passions, paving the way for a successful and satisfying career journey.


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